RFA Ethanol Podcast

Sequencing The Wheat Genome

Chuck Zimmerman

National Association of Wheat GrowersDoes anyone own a consortium? This seems like one of those “it only makes sense” stories. I mean if you’re going to sequence a wheat genome I think the wheat community should be involved don’t you?

International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium Off to a Great Start

Washington—The first meeting of the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (WGSC) took place last week in Bozeman, Montana. Rudi Appels, Australian co-chair of the WGSC, said that the meeting was an excellent opportunity for the wheat community to take ownership of the consortium. He noted as well that it was particularly exciting to have representation from the National Association of Wheat Growers.

Dale Schuler, first vice-president of the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG), stated that NAWG is fully supportive of mapping the wheat genome and believes it is critical technology in support of breeding, developing new uses, improving yields and quality, competing with other crops, and ensuring a viable U.S. wheat industry.

Wheat Genome Sequencing ConsortiumYou can learn more about this wheat genome sequencing thing at their website WGSC. I normally don’t like moving graphics but I thought this one was pretty cool looking and the movement adds to the impact when you consider the subject. It’s not an effect just for the sake of using an effect.

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