2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Look For XS, Inc. Website

Chuck Zimmerman

XS Inc.The new corporate website for XS, Inc. is now up and running. Fulton Breen has been a pioneer in the use of e-commerce in agribusiness. I’m going to see if I can interview him for an upcoming ZimmCast and see what he thinks about some of the new communications technologies that we’re introducing the ag world to.

Here’s what the site says about the company.

Since its formation in 1998, XS has been committed to creating efficiency in the agriculture and specialty markets. Although our roots are in e-commerce, the data management service we provide our clients is often the key to increased client efficiency and productivity. We believe that timely, accurate and integrated data is the foundation for good decision making. We’ve developed a suite of tools that runs on your data giving you visibility to your problem areas and helping you capitalize on opportunities. Your data will be available to whomever you want – whenever you want – in the form you want.

For more information contact the company at info@xsinc.com or media@xsinc.com.
