2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Blogging 101 Tag Team Presentation

Chuck Zimmerman

Cyndi YoungIt was a tag team match today at the Missouri Ag Leaders Luncheon. Cyndi Young, farm director for the Brownfield Network and I did a presentation on Blogging 101 (including RSS, Podcasting and webinars) for about 30 people.

As I’ve found over and over now, people have a growing level of awareness and curiosity about blogging and all the features that have been associated with it. We had good questions like “how much memory do you need on your server?” and “Is it real hardware intensive?” and “where can I find blogs about farming?” The answers to those are “very little unless you post lots of graphics, audio and video” “not hardware intensive since all you need is the online computer you already have” “Google for farm blogs”

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