2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Valley Announces New Spider Dual Drive

Chuck Zimmerman

Valmont IrrigationYou know if I was having problems with my rut challenged soil and wondering what to do about it I’d call Valley!

Valley Introduces Rut Solution for Especially Challenging Soils

Irrigation season will be much easier for some growers if they don’t have to deal with wheel ruts. Certain soil types make this a challenge, and Valley is coming to the rescue. The industry leader in mechanized irrigation already has the V-3 Drive on the market, which puts three wheels at the base beam to provide more traction and flotation. Some situations, however, call for maximum assistance, and that’s why Valley Irrigation is now introducing the Spider Dual Drive.

Field test results show a 30-50% wheel rut reduction with the use of the Spider Dual Drive from Valley. Product Manager Jim Mikula says “This product provides a solution where other options have not proven acceptable. It’s the highest flotation and traction option available. The Spider Dual Drive minimizes rut depth in the field, and can be added to any span of a pivot, wherever the grower finds the most challenging soil conditions.”

For more information contact Kim Lang. By the way, Kim attended my Blogging 101 presentation at the Midlands NAMA chapter meeting last month. I hope we’ll see her put some of those creative ideas to work, along with others who were also there!
