RFA Ethanol Podcast

New Look For Holstein Foundation Website

Chuck Zimmerman

Holstein FoundationWho am I not to post an announcement about a new web look?

Holstein Foundation Website – Same Address, New look

BRATTLEBORO, Vt., May 31, 2005– The Holstein Foundation is pleased to announce the launch of their newly redesigned website with improved site features and layout at www.holsteinfoundation.org.

“We have seen excitement for the Foundation at a whole new level this year. It is only fitting that our website reflects that,” said Jodi Luttropp, Holstein Foundation Programs Manager.

The redesigned website will appeal to the broad audience the Holstein Foundation works with to provide a wealth of information that is easy to find. For example, youth might look for practice questions for Dairy Bowl, a dairy judging team coach can download a related workbook and a proud grandparent can look for photos of their young stars in the photo album.

For more information contact Lisa Perrin.

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