RFA Ethanol Podcast

Corn Growers Looking For a Good Communicator

Chuck Zimmerman

I don’t plan on making this a habit but because he’s a great guy and one of ZimmComm’s favorite people I’ll do it.

In fact, before I even get started you should know that you can find listings of agri-marketing jobs through NAMA‘s job bank. You have to be a member though!

The new Vice President of Marketing for the National Corn Growers Association is Fred Stemme. He just let me know about a communications position they have open so I thought I’d post the description here.

NCGA is looking for a candidate with the following qualifications: 2-3 years news writing experience, ag background, journalism or ag journalism degree (preferably), who is able to handle a heavy work load. This position is responsible for writing 1-3 daily news stories posted to our web site, our quarterly report, annual report, one-page newsletter that appears six times a year in Farm Futures magazine, presentations on NCGA activities and issues, among other assignments. Additionally, the successful candidate will know how to take photos, be able to travel to meetings as needed (our trade/show convention, Corn Congress in Washington, D.C., and special meetings), work closely with ag media on farm broadcasts and with national media by setting up interviews with our key grower spokespersons and writing letters/op eds.

NCGA covers six key issue areas: ethanol, biotechnology, farm policy and rural development, trade, transportation, research and business development. Needless to say, we have a lot to write about. Our web site, www.ncga.com, provides a good idea of our issues and the type of writing we expect. Both the 2004 Annual Report and our World of Corn are posted to the web site and are examples of some of the publication work the Communications department produces.

For more information on the job, contact should be made to our HR department at hr@ncga.com

Maybe in their spare time this person could write some articles to post on AgriMarketing Pros!

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