RFA Ethanol Podcast

Blogging The NAMA Convention

Chuck Zimmerman

Although I planned to blog my way through the upcoming NAMA convention in Phoenix I didn’t plan to have a booth there.

That changed today, so AgriMarketing Pros is now an exhibitor!

My plan is to be set up with my work station (computer, mixer, microphone, recorder) and conduct interviews throughout the event with other exhibitors, attendees and speakers. I’ll post audio, pictures and other information as I find it.

If you’re planning on exhibiting and want to contact me ahead of time I’ll be happy to do an over the phone interview and post it before we get there. Call me to discuss what your company will be promoting!

I have to make a comment on how convention centers really rip off exhibitors though. I called the Phoenix Civic Plaza today to ask about high speed internet access. They don’t offer wireless in the trade show area, only in some of the meeting rooms. But for $450 I can get a wire to a cable modem in the trade show area. That amounts to $150/day for a 3 day convention and that’s a rip-off. I don’t know how they can even justify it. We’ll see what happens because I need the speed!

Blazin’ Horizons on the way to Phoenix!