RFA Ethanol Podcast

ZimmCast – Our Version of the Podcast

Chuck Zimmerman

We finally got it figured out and now it’s available. The ZimmComm podcast is the ZimmCast!

We’d like to know what you’d like to hear. Listen to the first one, it’s short, then provide your feedback. We intend to interview agrimarketing pros and provide their ideas through this new form of “radio/audio” communication. We recommend you get podcast software like Ipodder or iPodderx to manage your podcast subscriptions.

You’ll find it in a sidebar box on the right side of our blog. The graphic looks like this: . It’s a link to the subscribable file for our podcast. Right below it is a traditional audio file link to the same file if you don’t have podcast subscription software. All you have to do is click on it and your media player should automatically download and play the mp3 file.

For those of you who may wonder what this actually means, here’s a rather long definition of the term from the free online encyclopedia-Wikopedia:

The term “podcasting” is a portmanteau of the words iPod and broadcasting. Although an iPod is currently the playback device of choice for many early adopters of podcasting, a portable music player is not required to take advantage of this method of content distribution. Podcasting is functionally similar to the use of timeshift-capable digital video recorders (DVRs), such as TiVo, which let users record and store television programs for later viewing.

A podcast is much like an audio magazine subscription: a subscriber receives regular audio programs delivered via the internet, and she or he can listen to them at her or his leisure.

Podcasts differ from traditional internet audio in two important ways. In the past, listeners have had to either tune in to web radio on a schedule, or they have had to actively download individual files from webpages. Podcasts are more flexible and much easier to get. They can be listened to at any time because a copy is on the listener’s computer or portable music player, and they are automatically delivered to subscribers, so no active downloading is required.

Here’s a couple links to websites where you can learn more about it.

Wired article, 10/8/2004
The Podcast Directory
Podcasting News

Our plan is to provide ZimmCast on at least a weekly basis to start with. We’ll post a notice each time a new one is available as well. Happy listening!

Audio, Podcasts