2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Record Media Attendance

Chuck Zimmerman

I’ve been told that we have a record number of media representatives (reporters) covering the Cattle Industry Convention this year. I know I saw more at the media reception tonight than I’ve ever seen before. Thank you Merial for sponsoring it and the excellent food, especially the little steaks that were fork tender!

Because of all the reporters here I’ve spoken with many people we send Talking News Releases to. I like hearing the comments like, “Love what you send me. I’ve been using it.” Thank you. I wish they would write that to me and to you our clients!

As I was wishing that I got to my computer and checked email. Here’s part of an email I got from a farm broadcaster today that I thought you might be interested in:

“I also wanted to let you know that when you had the Machinery Link interviews months ago I had listeners comment on that report and really enjoyed the information about machinery cost, etc.

I told you about that at the NAFB convention, but never got it in writing! Thanks for your efforts!”

She’s referring to a release we sent on behalf of Blasdel, Cleaver, Schwalbe Communications for their client Machinery Link. Feedback is great.

So this is how I know our TNR service is being used by the reporters we send them to. We talk to them and know so many of them personally. Of course nothing beats a good story though.
