2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

2fer Offer

Chuck Zimmerman

I know this is commercial but we are in business for a reason you know and we promise to post meaningful information so you’ll want to visit often to see and hear what we have to say. We’ll begin posting audio soon by the way.

So, for our wonderful current clients and all of you out there who have been contemplating it, here’s the deal.

Place an order for Talking News Releases on or before February 28, 2005 and we’ll give you two for the price of one. You can distribute the releases anytime prior to the end of the year but we need your order. If you want us to do more than two (we hope you do!) the additional releases will be regular rate but qualify for a quantity discount. Make sense?

Just email me at chuck@zimmcomm.biz or call 573-896-5842.

And just so you also get some useful information while you’re here. You might read this interesting post about sending releases to reporters and finding out if they’ve “used” it.


Hope you’re having a great day!
