2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

National Ag Day in Words

Chuck Zimmerman

On National Ag Day we’re going to learn more about it from the Vice Chairman of the Agriculture Council of America, Greg Webb, State Governement Relations, Archer Daniels Midland. The Council is the organization that hosts Ag Day and all its related events. In talking to Greg I learned that this year the theme was “investing in people, policies and …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, ZimmCast

A Binding Way to Find Ag Media

Chuck Zimmerman

There’s going to be a new publication in the ag communications world coming soon from AGRIpr. It’s going to be the FINDERBINDER Agricultural Media Directory. This morning I had a nice chat with owner Cory Cart. You can listen to our conversation and learn all about it. Cory is a native of Binger, Okla., and is the marketing and public …

Audio, Media, Publication, ZimmCast

The Gene Hemphill Media Reception

Chuck Zimmerman

There aren’t too many people in agricultural marketing who don’t know Gene Hemphill, Industry Affairs, New Holland. You probably know that we honored him at the media reception at Commodity Classic. This week’s program expands on that theme. Gene is a friend as well as a client and beloved by all of us in the media who have worked with …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Media, New Holland, Video, ZimmCast

Commodity Classic Coverage

Chuck Zimmerman

I know I’m a little behind with the program this week but what better venue to introduce a new image icon for the ZimmCast than Commodity Classic. We’ve got 4,300 people registered already and more walk-ins will show up I’m sure. There’s also 128 registered media here so far. Both of those are records according to media room manager Bob …

Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Media, New Holland, ZimmCast

Marketing Farm Machinery

Chuck Zimmerman

If you’ve never attended the National Farm Machinery Show then you really owe it to yourself to wander around the largest indoor show of its kind in the world. I mean it’s big. I didn’t stay for the whole show this year but I think I covered some ground anyway. While there I spoke with Dan Smaldone, Media Manager for …

Audio, Equipment, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Precision Agriculture, ZimmCast

Angus Productions Getting MultiMedia

Chuck Zimmerman

I don’t know about you but I’ve wondered just what Angus Productions, Inc. does. When I got into the media room at the Cattle Industry Convention early last week I saw these little cards promoting www.4cattlemen.com and they said it’s producted by API. That raised even more questions in my mind after visiting the site. So to learn more I …

Ag Groups, Audio, Publication, ZimmCast

Commenting On Corn

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello on Super Bowl Sunday. I’m trying to get ready to hit the road to Reno early in the morning but am planning on cooking some brats and watching the annual big game in high def. This week you can listen in on a discussion I had last week with Mimi Ricketts, Communications Director for the National Corn Growers Association. …

Ag Groups, Audio, Corn, ZimmCast

Successful Crop Tech Tour

Chuck Zimmerman

The folks at Successful Farming are getting more involved in online multimedia and their Crop Tech Tour is a good example of how they’re doing so. Basically, they’re trying to document how farmers are using new technologies like precision ag. To do it they’re using audio, video and pictures on their website in addition to regular updates in the magazine. …

Audio, Publication, ZimmCast

Marketing MANA

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m really glad that Makhteshim Agan is using the name MANA Crop Protection since it’s a lot easier for me to say. They held a media breakfast last week that I attended and it provided an opportunity to get to know them better. I interviewed Dave Downing, Senior Product/Marketing Manager – Herbicides and now know a lot more about the …

Agribusiness, Audio, ZimmCast