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BASF Offers New Trait System in Credenz Varieties

Carrie Muehling

A new herbicide trait system in soybeans from BASF will offer flexibility and yield advantages to growers in 2019.

LibertyLink GT27 will be available in 13 different Credenz soybean varieties, said Marc Hoobler, BASF Soybean Agronomy Lead.

“Yield is probably the most important thing that growers look for,” said Hoobler. “We’re seeing a yield advantage from two to four bushels over existing trait systems. So we’re very pleased with the elite genetics that are coming out of the program and that we’re able to offer growers throughout the Midwest. The second thing is just the flexibliy that the herbicide tolerance within the system provides. So, for the first time ever growers can choose whether they want to use Liberty herbicide or glyphosate post-emerge.”

Hoobler said BASF is looking to add a third product to the trait package called Elite 27, which will offer tolerance to the HPPD class of chemistries. That product is not yet registered for use in soybeans. Hoobler was at the 2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention in Kansas City.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Marc here: NAFB18 Interview with Marc Hoobler, BASF

2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, NAFB