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BASF Introduces New Insecticide

Carrie Muehling

Growers fighting soybean aphids will welcome the newest insecticide from BASF, recently registered and available for use in 2019. It’s the first time in many years a new mode of action is available to fight soybean aphids and similar pests.

“The unique thing about Inscalis – or the brand name in soybeans will be Sefina – is that it’s a brand new mode of action,” said Duane Rathmann, BASF Technical Service Representative. “That means that mode of action will be able to control the resistant aphids that the old chemistries are missing.”

Rathmann said the new formulation quickly controls aphids by stopping them from feeding on the plant within hours of application. Monitoring and scouting is still important as aphids can be very active one year and almost absent the next. Heavy aphid pressure can reduce soybean yields by 10-20 percent if left unchecked.

Rathmann pointed out that Inscalis is also narrow in its spectrum, which means it will not harm natural predators or pollinators that might also be in the field. It is not a restricted use insecticide because of its very specific profile just for piercing and sucking insects. Rathmann was at the 2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention in Kansas City.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Duane here: NAFB18 Interview with Duane Rathmann, BASF

2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, BASF, NAFB