2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Smooth Transition to Bayer for Channel Seed Brand

Carrie Muehling

The move to Bayer has been seamless for the Channel Seed Brand and its seedsmen, according to Brock Helgerson, Channel Brand marketing lead.

“We launched a new tool this summer that our Channel seedsmen utilized as they conducted their field checkup series throughout the summer. It really allowed them to utilize the technology in Climate FieldView to make sure that they were really doing their field checkup series in the areas of the fields that could have a real impact for the farmer,” said Helgerson, who noted that Channel seedsmen saw fantastic performance out of Channel brand corn and soybeans this summer, despite weather challenges in some areas.

Helgerson said the 2019 portfolio includes Channel Protexus corn, which provides tolerance to five key diseases. We’ll hear more about Bayer and the Channel Seed Brand at the upcoming ASTA 2018 CSS and Seed Expo.

Listen to Cindy’s interview with Brock here: NAFB18 Interview with Brock Helgerson, Bayer

2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, NAFB