2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New NCGA CEO Talks Corn Issues at #NAFB18

Cindy Zimmerman

Jon Doggett participated in his first NAFB Trade Talk this year as CEO of the National Corn Growers Association.

Doggett is no stranger to farm broadcasters, having served as head of NCGA’s policy efforts in Washington D.C. since 2002 and becoming executive vice president in 2014. But he was just officially named CEO in September. “I thought I was traveling a lot before but I’m seeing a lot more of that,” he said.

The biggest issue on the plate for corn growers right now is getting a farm bill passed. “Farm prices are half of what they were a few years ago. We need to get a farm bill done now,” said Doggett.

Doggett comments on a number of issues in this interview, including the mid-term elections, trade policy, and getting year-round E15 approved. NAFB18 Interview with Jon Doggett, NCGA CEO

2018 National Association of Farm Broadcasting Convention Photo Album

Audio, Corn, NAFB, NCGA