RFA Ethanol Podcast

RFA Displays Custom Ethanol Motorcycle at NAFB

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) was once again proud to be a sponsor of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual convention, this year having on display the new custom motorcycle built by Paul Teutul Jr. for the American Chopper TV series.

In one of many interviews with farm broadcasters at the annual Trade Talk, RFA Vice President of Industry Relations Robert White discussed E15 expansion since the President Trump called on EPA to change the outdated Reid Vapor Pressure rule that keeps the blend from being sold in the summer months. He said they are encouraged by news like the announcement this week that GROWMARK will now offering pre-blended E15 at its company-owned terminals in Illinois, Iowa and Missouri.

He also talks about the challenges ahead in getting the E15 rule approved before next summer, and the continued efforts by RFA to educate boaters and motorcyclists that all of their engines are approved to use up to a 10% ethanol blend but NOT E15.

Listen here: Interview with Robert White, RFA, at 2018 NAFB Convention

2018 NAFB Convention Photo Album

Audio, Ethanol, NAFB, RFA