2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Opportunities Outweigh Challenges in Dairy Industry

Carrie Muehling

Pennsylvania native Jeff Harding describes himself as a newcomer to Hubbard Feeds, but he is excited about expanding the brand further into the northeastern United States, where Alltech is already well established.

The dairy technical specialist said there are some things that set Hubbard Feeds apart from its competitors.

“In many ways, it’s our people,” said Harding. “I think one of the unique opportunities we have is to come at our customers with more of a team approach maybe than some of our competitors do. They do that for some of their very biggest customers. But I think we’ve got a really strong network of a technical group within Hubbard, we’ve got calf and heifer specialists, we’ve got nutritionists, we’ve got business people.”

Harding said the union with Alltech also gives Hubbard Feeds access to additional resources that are key in a constantly changing environment. He acknowledged that dairy producers are experiencing tough times, but believes they are adapting with the help of companies like Hubbard, who continue to bring solutions to customers.

He believes the future of the dairy industry will include more consolidation at a higher level, and more research and technology. While the opportunities will continue to change, he is confident they will continue to exist in the dairy industry. Harding was at the 2018 World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin.

Listen to Jamie’s interview with Jeff here: Interview with Jeff Harding, Hubbard Feeds

2018 World Dairy Expo Photo Album

Content Creation from World Dairy Expo is sponsored by Content Creation from the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Alltech  Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Hubbard Feeds
AgWired Animal, Audio, Dairy, World Dairy Expo