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Paul Jr. Gets Ethanol Education Building RFA Bike

Cindy Zimmerman

The slick, custom-made motorcycle that runs on 85% ethanol was a big hit at the Fuel Ethanol Workshop Tuesday and so was its creator Paul Teutul Jr., who spent two hours at the Renewable Fuels Association trade show booth taking photos with FEW attendees.

Teutul is the owner and master-designer of Paul Jr. Designs and one of the stars of Discovery’s American Chopper, which revealed the new bike during Monday night’s episode. In the process of designing the motorcycle for RFA, he became an ethanol advocate. “There seems to be a misnomer about ethanol and motorcycles. It is almost like people that ride motorcycles think ethanol messes up their bikes, and the research that I have done tells me that is just not true,” Teutul Jr. said.

The partnership with Teutul evolved from the RFA’s new Fuel Your Knowledge campaign aimed at educating bikers, boaters, and other small engine users about ethanol. RFA wants bikers to know that only ethanol blends up to E10 are approved by every motorcycle manufacturer, and the custom motorcycle simply demonstrates the functionality and compatibility of ethanol.

Chuck Zimmerman caught up with Paul Jr. at the RFA booth yesterday to learn all about the making of the ethanol bike and what he learned in the process. Interview with Paul Teutul Jr. at FEW18

2018 Fuel Ethanol Workshop Photos

Fuel Ethanol Conference content sponsored by

Coverage of the Fuel Ethanol Conference is sponsored by Syngenta Enogen

Audio, Ethanol, RFA