As soybean cyst nematode (SCN) continues to evolve, growers need new tools to fight against yield loss in their fields.
“Nearly all of the SCN-resistant varieties out there have the same source of resistance. And over time, the SCN is actually adapting to that source of resistance, so it’s no longer quite as effective as it used to be,” said Melissa Chu, product manager with Bayer. “So active management of SCN is a really critical recommendation to maximize yield potential for growers, and one of the ways to do that can be a seed treatment such as ILeVO.”
Early season protection is key when dealing with SCN, as well as sudden death syndrome (SDS), another primary yield robber in soybeans fields.
“ILeVO is a great solution and protects from those early season damages that can occur from SCN as well as other nematodes, and SDS,” said Jeremiah Mullock, product development manager with Bayer. “SDS is a root rot pathogen, so ILeVO protects that root rot from occurring early in the season, providing that yield potential. Later in the season, SDS symptoms can occur, but because we’re protecting from that root rot, that yield protection is still there.”
Trials of ILeVO have shown an average yield boost of 4.5 bushels per acre in affected soybean fields.
Bayer at 2018 Commodity Classic Photo Album
Listen to Jamie’s interview with Melissa Chu here: Interview with Melissa Chu, Bayer CropScience
Listen to Jamie’s interview with Jeremiah Mullock here: Interview with Jeremiah Mullock, Bayer