2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Pinnacle 2020: The Next Generation in Grain Drying

Carrie Muehling

The Mathews Company has been manufacturing grain drying systems for close to 65 years. The company built its first continuous flow grain dryer in 1957 and now offers four different drying styles to serve farmers growing a variety of grains.

Company President Joe Shulfer said the Pinnacle control system has become a standard for grain drying systems, and this year’s display showcased the second generation Pinnacle 2020 system with two separate touch screens working side by side.

“It functions kind of like two monitors on your desktop for one computer. So you’re able to have operational content on one side, maybe service diagnostic content on the other. And it’s really an innovative way to get a lot more information in front of the customer,” said Shulfer.

He said the system also works on a smartphone app that will allow the farmer to monitor lots of different things from that mobile device.

Joe Shulfer, The Mathews Company

2018 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

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Coverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by FMCCoverage of the National Farm Machinery Show is sponsored by John Deere
AgWired Precision, Audio, Grains, National Farm Machinery Show, Technology