2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

State of the Industry – Ethanol Strong

Jamie Johansen

The Reverend of Renewable Fuels took the stage at the 2018 National Ethanol Conference to give his annual State of the Ethanol Industry Address. Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) president and CEO Bob Dinneen said with confidence the state of U.S. ethanol is strong, because of the strong character of the people who call the ethanol community home.

“I am more confident than I have ever been that the U.S. ethanol industry, led by the visionaries in this room, is poised for continued growth and unprecedented success. Not just because the industry is strong today and getting stronger. It is because this industry knows what it takes to succeed, and remains resolute in the face of a setback, determined in the face of adversity, and committed to the farmers who grow our feedstock, consumers who use our fuel, and a nation that rewards innovation,” Dinneen. “I am proud to represent you in Washington and to be counted among you. I am grateful for your leadership, your counsel, and your friendship. I am inspired by your strength. You are Ethanol Strong.”

Listen to his complete address here: State of the Industry Address, Bob Dinneen

View and download photos from the event here: 2018 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album

Ag Groups, Corn, Energy, Ethanol, RFA, Video