2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Boundary Technologies Offers Integrated Application

Carrie Muehling

Imagine an app that allows a farmer to check multiple areas of an operation by logging into just one place – even if that farm includes both crops and livestock. That’s the idea with new integration from New Boundary Technologies, introduced at the 2018 Develop with Deere Conference.

“Farmers don’t want to have to log into 10 different applications to see everything,” said Kim Pearson with New Boundary Technologies, based in Minneapolis. “Just like on the consumer side, that’s a pain for us. So we are one of the early supporters of John Deere’s new APIs to be able to take information that we get from sensors for things on the farm like tanks and implements that are attached to the tractors, barn environmentals, and be able to give the farmer a view in the John Deere operations center so that they don’t have to log into a lot of different systems to see everything on their farm.”

Pearson said the technology has been available for quite some time, but the price point for both the hardware and the communication software has dropped by about 60 percent over the past year. That’s been key to bringing the product to market.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Kim here: Interview with Kim Pearson, New Boundary Technologies

You can find conference photos here: 2018 Develop with Deere Conference Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Apps, Audio, John Deere, Precision Agriculture