2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ASTA Announces Student Video Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

ASTA CEO Andy LaVigne; Katelyn Fritz; and Susan Chapman, Tri-Societies

The first-place winner of the first “Better Seed, Better Life” student video contest was awarded this week during the CSS 2017 & Seed Expo in Chicago.

Sponsored by the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA), the National Association of Plant Breeders (NAPB), and the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America (Tri-Societies), the contest asked graduate and undergraduate students focusing on plant-science disciplines to submit videos bringing plant breeding innovation to life.

The winning video was produced by Katelyn Fritz of Iowa State University. As a junior double majoring in Agronomy and Global Resource Systems with focus areas of Plant Breeding and Biotechnology as well as Central America, Katelyn is on an eight-month internship in Guatemala with a small NGO named Semilla Nueva that works to sustainably overcome chronic malnutrition in Guatemala through biofortified corn.

Learn more about her enthusiasm about life and seed in this interview: Interview with Katelyn Fritz, ASTA Better Seed Better Life video winner

2017 ASTA CSS and Seed Expo photo album

ASTA, Audio, Seed