2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New ImpactZ™ Corn Herbicide from AMVAC®

Cindy Zimmerman

AMVAC Chemical Corporation recently announced new corn herbicide ImpactZ has received EPA registration, giving growers a new safe and flexible solution for control of tough broadleaf and grass weeds, including glyphosate resistant species. We had a chance to learn more about this exciting new product during the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual Trade Talk this week.

“We like to talk about the knock down activity of this product, but also the flexibility and crop safety,” said Jim Lappin, AMVAC crop marketing manager for corn and soybeans. “ImpactZ gives a grower the flexibility to go to either a pre-emergence followed by a post-emergence, a total post program, or perhaps a sequential.”

ImpactZ herbicide is registered for use in field corn, seed corn, popcorn and sweetcorn, with no restrictions on soil type, tank mix partners or insecticides. ImpactZ herbicide contains both Impact® and Atrazine for highly effective control of grass and broadleaf weeds in corn.

Learn more about ImpactZ in this interview or watch below – Interview with Jim Lappin, AMVAC

2017 NAFB Convention Photos

AgWired Precision, AMVAC, Corn, Herbicide, NAFB