2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Airbus Provides Satellite Imagery for Solutions

Kelly Marshall

Sky Rubin is part of the Ag Solutions Team for Airbus, one of the largest aerospace companies to be building and operating satellites.  You’ll find their imagery in large agribusinesses like Bayer, The Climate Corp, and J.R. Simplot, who use it in their portals to provide actionable intelligence to growers.

When asked what makes Airbus stand out, Rubin says it’s all about resolution. “Airbus operates some of the highest resolution satellites in the world.  […] There are two twin satellites and they collect 50 centimeter imagery, so for precision ag, especially high value crops, it’s very useful.  And the frequency is very important.  We can collect weekly, or even daily in certain areas or for certain projects.”

For farmers looking for this kind of high resolution imagery, Rubin suggests going to companies like their newest partner, SatShot, to find growers services.  Learn more about Airbus in my full interview here: Interview with Sky Rubin, Airbus

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