2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Four Honored with PrecisionAg Awards

Kelly Marshall

The opening session of the Info Ag Conference in St. Louis, Missouri kicked-off by honoring four winners of this year’s PrecisionAg Institute‘s Awards of Excellence. These awards recognize commitment and exceptional service in the precision agriculture industry.

Dr. Harold van Es from Cornel University was the recipient of one of two 2017 Educator/Researcher Awards. van Es played a large role in the development of Adapt-N, a cloud-based, real-time nitrogen management tool.
Interview with Dr. Harold van Es, Award Winner

Wade Barnes earned the 2017 Crop Adviser/Entrepreneur Award as a co-founder of Farmers Edge. His company began in his basement but now offers big data, digital agriculture, and agronomy services to growers in 5 countries.
Interview with Wade Barnes, Award Winner

Dr. Joe Luck, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, also received the 2017 Educator/Researcher Award. Luck is both an Associate Professor and Precision Agriculture Engineer in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering and founder of Precision Agriculture Data Management Workshops for the Extension services. Interview with Dr. Joe Luck, Award Winner

Dr. Paul Fixen, recently retired from the International Plant Nutrition Institute, was honored with the 2017 Legacy Award. His distinguished career includes leading a team at South Dakota State University that made substantial progress in understanding the role and requirement of chloride in crop production, authoring 300+ articles related to nutrient management, and developing and teaching popular courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels.Interview with Dr. Paul Fixen, Award Winner

2017 InfoAg Conference Photo Album

Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by
Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by John Deere Coverage of the InfoAg Conference is sponsored by CropTrak
AgWired Precision, Audio, Info Ag