2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#Seed Industry – Past and Future

Cindy Zimmerman

“Glancing Back and Moving Forward in a Rapidly Changing Industry” was a popular session at this year’s American Seed Trade Association CSS & Seed Expo, featuring (LtoR) Jon Leafstedt with Kincannon and Reed, DuPont Pioneer president Paul Schickler, and Sonny Beck, founder of Beck’s Hybrids.

Reflecting on the past 20 years, this panel of seed industry leaders discussed their personal career paths, their methods for finding good talent and their predictions for the future, with a focus on developing people and corporate culture within their teams.

Click on the links to listen to each of their comments and discussion with all led by ASTA CEO Andy LaVigne.

Sonny Beck at ASTA-CSS 2016 Paul Schickler, President of DuPont Pioneer Jon Leafstedt, Kincannon & Reed ASTA CSS Panel Discussion

ASTA CSS 2016 Photo Album

Coverage of ASTA CSS and Seed Expo brought to you by
Coverage of ASTA CSS and Seed Expo brought to you by the American Seed Trade Association and Coverage of ASTA CSS and Seed Expo brought to you by BASF Ag Products
Agribusiness, ASTA, Audio, Seed