2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#IFAJ2016 Tour – Part 9 – Bayer ForwardFarming

Chuck Zimmerman

Belinda Geisen-DruseWith only a few episodes left in my series from the 2016 IFAJ Congress Bayer Tours we’ll continue the focus on the Bayer ForwardFarming Initiative. In this episode we got a look at the the bigger picture in Germany which includes Damianshof Farm near Neuss. Walking us through the overview was Belinda Geisen-Druse.

In Germany there are 22 farms that cooperate with Bayer’s ForwardFarming Initiative. These farms make use of three basic components of Bayer ForwardFarming:

1. Integrated crop solutions – these are based on the use of high quality seeds as well as chemical and biological crop protection products. The company offers agronomic consulting and diagnostics for weed, disease and pest control.

2. Proactive product stewardship – this stands for safe and high product quality, including the continuous improvement of operator and consumer safety as well as environmental protection.

3. Partnerships – these are between all players along the value chain to ensure that the full potential of modern agriculture is leveraged for the benefit of all stakeholders.

You can listen to the presentation here or watch below: Belinda Geisen-Druse Overview

2016 IFAJ Congress Photo Album

Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Coverage of the IFAJ Congress is sponsored by Bayer
Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Environment, Farming, IFAJ, Sustainability, Video