2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

John Deere Takes On Another Year at #AgMedia

Jamie Johansen

ams16-146-editedFor 17 years John Deere has been a sponsor of the Ag Media Summit and Barry Nelson aka, The JD Magician, believes he has only missed one. That is true commitment to agriculture marketing and communications. I sat down with Barry, who serves as John Deere’s director of marketing, to learn why a partnership like this has such longevity and what events John Deere has coming up in the next month.

“This is a great time to meet all the ag editors and broadcasters out there. It’s important to meet face-to-face. If they have any questions about John Deere products and services, they know who to contact.”

Leading up to the 2016 Farm Progress Show in Boone, Iowa, John Deere will be hosting ag media for an opportunity to checkout their Des Moines Works factory. There they build cotton pickers, sprayers, tillage tools, etc. Barry said media will take part in a factory tour and have an up close and personal view of John Deere’s new products that will be on display for the pubic at the Farm Progress Show.

“At the Farm Progress Show we will have a lot of products we have introduced during the last two quarters on display for our farmer customers for the first time. We will have presentations along with each product and are looking forward to the big show.”

Listen to my complete interview with Barry here: Interview with Barry Nelson, John Deere

View and download photos from the event here: 2016 AMS Photo Album

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, John Deere