2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#CUTC16 Addresses Future of Wet Milling Technologies

Kelly Marshall

cutc-16-panelThe Corn Utilization Technology Conference is covering a wide variety of topics, including new technologies from the wet milling process of corn.  Members of a panel discussion met with Chuck to let him in on just what they were hoping listeners gained from their presentation.

Brent Shanks, a Ph.D. with Iowa State University covered the conversion of biomes and bio-based carbon into chemicals and materials and the paradigm of how to go after those products.

Kevin Coffman, part of the market development in ag environmental strategy group at Monsanto addressed corn in the pipeline be it traded material for an ethanol plant or any other food grade type of opportunity for the market for corn producers.  Most importantly, Coffman said, was the idea that a low carbon  agriculture product like ethanol might be the fuel of the future.

John White, Ph.D. at White Technical Research works as a consultant to the food and beverage industry in the area of sweeteners.  The milling process of corn can produce a wide range of sweeteners, he explained, including new ones being designed for today’s demands.

Raghunath V. Chaudhari, Ph.D. works at the University of Kansas in the area of converting biomes to chemical with the use of a catalyst.  New catalytic materials can change our use of current technologies to create something better, he tells AgWired.

Overall, Tom Binder, self proclaimed “referee” for the event hopes viewers went home with a better idea of future new uses for corn, in wet milling and otherwise.

Listen to Chuck’s full interview with the panel here: Interview with CUTC Wet Milling Technologies Panel

Check out pictures from the conference: 2016 CUTC Photo Album;

Agribusiness, Biofuels, Corn, CUTC