2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Alltech Idea Man

Jamie Johansen

one-alltech-16-229-editedThe idea man himself took time out of his busy schedule to talk about what separates ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference from the many successful symposiums they have held in the past. Dr. Pearse Lyons and his team are always setting the bar a notch higher and seeking something different.

“There is a growing hunger for information in a palatable fashion. There is growing hunger for relevant information. And that is what the ONE is really all about. If you walk out of here with one new idea, if you walk about of here with one new acquaintance it is worth it.”

In 1980 Dr. Lyons said the first slogan Alltech adopted was “marketing through education.” That concept continues to be the driving force behind their success. He said the goal is simple: educate them and then when they go back and use what they have learned, they will think about Alltech.

Alltech doesn’t sweep challenges under the rug. They not only talk about them, they find solutions. Listen to my complete interview with Dr. Lyons to learn about the big challenges hindering growth in the production of animal agriculture and what the future of Alltech looks like to him. PlayInterview with Dr. Pearse Lyons, Alltech Founder

View and download photos from the event here: 2016 ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference Photo Album

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio