2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Communications Key Focus at #ASTACSS

Cindy Zimmerman

astacss15-hermannCommunications was a key focus at the ASTA CSS 2015 and Seed Expo last week, from within the industry to key stakeholders to lawmakers to the general public.

American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) First Vice Chair Mark Herrmann of Monsanto says communications will continue to be a priority for the organization moving into 2016. “Some of the key focus is how do we have policy and regulations for all seed companies to operate,” said Herrmann. “If we can share the key points of view and make sure decisions are made with a good view of the impact it will have.”

Herrmann says ASTA’s First the Seed initiative is helping to spread the word about the importance of the seed industry. “The program focuses on education in schools with some really fun projects to help children understand how seed plays a key role,” he said.

Within the industry, ASTA has communications initiatives such as the Guide to Seed Treatment Stewardship and outreach to the next generation of seed industry professionals with the Future Seed Executives (FuSE).

Herrmann notes that ASTA has some 700 members, including nearly 90% of the industry, and he is grateful for the active participation of those members who help make the organization so successful. “To run the association, you really need members who are willing to commit both work and financial support,” he said. “I’d like to thank every member, large or small.”

Listen to my interview with Mark here: Interview with ASTA First Vice Chair Mark Herrmann

ASTA CSS 2015 and Seed Expo Photo Album

Coverage of CSS 2015 and Seed Expo brought to you by
Coverage of CSS 2015 and Seed Expo brought to you by the American Seed Trade Association and Coverage of CSS 2015 and Seed Expo brought to you by BASF Ag Products
ASTA, Audio, Seed