2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Holland Hero from South Africa

Cindy Zimmerman

cnh-expo-gerryGerry Manuel from Harare, Zimbabwe truly embodies the “Feeding the Planet” theme of Expo Milano 2015 and the New Holland “Seeds of Life Series” at the Sustainable Farm Pavilion.

Born and raised in a family of farmers in Zimbabwe Gerry runs the Juggler Investments P/L Farm, founded and owned by his younger brother, in Harare. The 22 acre farm produces tomatoes, potatoes, onions and cabbage, as well as some other crops and livestock. “We specialize in intensive horticulture,” he said. “I’m on limited land so I have no room for failure.”

Gerry is very glad he has been given the opportunity to share his experience as a small acreage farmer with the rest of the world and talk about the challenges of feeding a growing world population. “We have to step up our game, come to the plate and try and meet those needs because that’s a very tall order,” he said. “We have to get better, more efficient, use new technology, use innovative methods – whatever we do we have to get to producing high levels.”

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Gerry here: New Holland Hero Gerry Manuel of Zimbabwe

2015 New Holland Heroes & Bloggers Days

Audio, Farming, International, New Holland