2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#SoyExcited about LibertyLink Real Yield Game

Cindy Zimmerman

During the 2015 Farm Progress Show, Bayer CropScience unveiled a social instant win experience for growers, the LibertyLink® Real Yield Game.

Bayer CropScience soybean marketing manager Malin Westfall and Liberty product manger David Tanner

Bayer CropScience soybean marketing manager Malin Westfall and Liberty product manger David Tanner

Soybean Marketing Manager Malin Westfall is “soy excited” about the new promotion. “It’s really an opportunity for our customers to tell their story,” said Westfall. “We want to hear the great things that the Liberty Link system and Liberty herbicide is doing on their farm to help them control their resistant and tough-to-control weeds.”

The LibertyLink Real Yield Game offers growers the chance to win prizes while playing an animated game to defeat tough-to-control weeds. Growers get to virtually spray soybean fields with Liberty® herbicide and see how the LibertyLink system provides superior control. Growers can instantly win a 2015 John Deere® Combine or a one-year supply of LibertyLink soybeans and Liberty herbicide, and every play gets an entry to win a one-year lease on a 2015 John Deere® Tractor. And every time the game is played, Bayer CropScience will make a contribution to FFA on the state level.

And Westfall says you will be hearing a lot about LibertyLink and the Real Yield Game throughout this harvest season. “We’re looking at a social campaign, as well as print and radio,” said Westfall. “We’re going from North Dakota to the south Delta from the East Coast to the western Plains. It’s really exciting to hear all the different stories from growers. ” Interview with Malin Westfall, Bayer CropScience

Liberty product manger David Tanner says they are also “soy excited” about the expanding use of the Liberty Link system nationwide. “We have about 60 million Liberty Link-enabled acres across corn, soybeans, cotton, canola – and we are just seeing that growth continue,” said Tanner. “We’ve seen great yields with the Liberty Link soybeans and we’re seeing great weed control with Liberty.”

Growth has been so significant that Bayer recently announced plans to invest $50 million in upgrades to production capacity at the plant that produces Liberty herbicide in Michigan. “We increasing our supply capacity in Muskegon, as well as Mobile, Alabama,” Tanner said.

Find out more in this interview with David: Interview with David Tanner, Bayer CropScience

2015 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Herbicide, Soybean