2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Capture Higher Yields with Capture LFR

Cindy Zimmerman

Corn prices are lower than they have been in recent years, which makes maximum yields more important than ever.

fmc-capture-LFRFMC Corn Segment Manager Matt Hancock says even with the weather challenges farmers have faced this year, corn yields are forecast to be the third largest ever. “I think that gets back to good, sound agronomics,” said Hancock in an interview for Farm Progress Show. “I think growers are still trying to grow more corn and we’re seeing that in the use of many of our corn products and glad to see that it’s a success for growers out there in the field.”

One of FMC’s corn products is Capture LFR. “When it comes to producing more yields, Capture LFR is the simplest thing for growers to do, to be able to just mix that product with liquid fertilizer,” Hancock says. “We still see that market growing.”

Find out more about Capture LFR in this interview: Interview with Matt Hancock, FMC, on Capture LFR

Coverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by
Coverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by New HollandCoverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by FMCCoverage of the 2015 Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Growmark
Audio, Corn, Fertilizer, FMC, Insecticides