2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Walker and Cruz at Iowa Ag Summit

Cindy Zimmerman

Two potential presidential candidates who received a lot of media attention at the Iowa Ag Summit on Saturday were Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

ia-summit-cruzCruz, who has introduced legislation to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), was honest about his views, even though he said the “easy thing to do” would be to tell the people of Iowa that he is “for the RFS, darn it.”

Cruz thinks immigration policy in the U.S. is “a mess” and thinks we need to get serious about securing borders. He “emphatically” supports Trade Promotion Authority and opening up markets, but not in Cuba, which he calls a “matter of national security.”

Listen to Sen. Cruz answer questions from summit organizer Bruce Rastetter. Iowa Ag Summit - Texas Sen. Ted Cruz

ia-summit-walkerIn his 20 minutes with Rastetter, Gov. Walker expressed similar attitudes on immigration, TPA and Cuba, but came out in favor of the RFS saying he was “willing to go forward on continuing” the RFS and “pressing EPA to make sure there’s certainty.”

Walker voiced support for crop insurance and said he was against GMO labeling for food because it “gives the false impression that somehow there’s something different.”

Listen to Walker address the issues here: Iowa Ag Summit - Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

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