2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AFBF President Surprises Vilsack with Branding Iron

Cindy Zimmerman

afbf15-vilsack-brandAmerican Farm Bureau Federation president Bob Stallman presented Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack with a special gift Monday to recognize his support of farmers and ranchers.

Noting that a Texas cowboy phrase denoting loyalty to the ranch is “ride for the brand,” Stallman gave Vilsack a specially-made “US AG” branding iron. “Mr. Secretary, thank you for riding for the brand for US AG,” he said.

Visibly moved by the gift, Visack said the branding iron would have a special place in his office. “I had, until today, one acknowledgement that I always valued … a Patriot’s Award given to me by the National Guard when I left the governorship of Iowa,” he said. “This brand will go right next to that Patriot Award and be in my office for as long as I live.”

Listen to the secretary’s comments at the AFBF general session here: Vilsack at AFBF on stage

Vilsack held a wide-ranging press conference after his appearance at the general session, talking first about the sign-up progress for the Dairy Margin Protection Program announced today. He was asked about trade issues, COOL, farm bill implementation, food stamps, and much more. Vilsack press conference at AFBF

2015 AFBF Convention photo album