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New Holland Clean Energy Leader at Expo Milano 2015

Chuck Zimmerman

Carlo LambroDuring New Holland Blogger Days in Turin, Italy I met Carlo Lambro, Brand President (3rd from right). Before a fantastic dinner we sat down so I could interview him via ZimmGlass. I first asked him about New Holland’s decision to be a major supporter of Expo Milano 2015 and the Sustainable Farm pavilion they are constructing for next year’s event. He says, “Being there is an important step in showing our commitment to what we call the Clean Energy Leader strategy, to what we call sustainable farming.” He says Expo provides a great opportunity to help educate the non-farm public about farming today. The New Holland pavilion won’t be a place to sell products but to be seen as an industry leading company that is providing a very educational experience. One of the things they will show is their commitment to renewable energy with a prototype methane powered tractor!

I also asked him about the big New Holland product launch and how that was being received by customers as well why they decided to bring in a group of ag bloggers.

You can listen to my interview with Carlo here: Interview with Carlo Lambro

2014 New Holland Blogger Days Photo Album

Agribusiness, Audio, New Holland, Video