2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Understanding Farmer Attitudes

Meghan Grebner

asta-14-26-editedThe Seed Leadership Program was held just before the start of the 131st Annual American Seed Trade Association Annual Meeting in Indianapolis.  During today’s Green Flag Session, Brent Gloy, Purdue University professor discussed the key themes from the 2013 Large Commercial Producer survey.  He says they survey helps both farmers and agribusinesses better understand where the commercial farm segment is going.

Since 1998, Purdue University has conducted the Large Commercial Producer survey every five years.  The survey’s objective is to examine the fundamental attitudes of commercial producers and how they impact buying decisions. The attitudes of farm and ranch operators and their underlying behaviors have implications for the way agribusinesses market and sell to commercial producers.

One area Gloy highlighted today was how farmers demands and needs were changing over time.  “As farms have grown, their needs for services and information has evolved,” he says.  “When you look at farms from 1,500 acres in size to over 5,000 acres – the common theme is that product performance is most important to their operations.”

Interview with Brent Gloy, Purdue University

You can purchase the complete 2013 Large Commercial Producer survey results HERE.

ASTA Annual Meeting Photo Album

Agribusiness, ASTA, data, Farming, Technology