2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Cooking for Millennials

Chuck Zimmerman

Chef Dave CreamerAt the 2014 Animal Agriculture Alliance Stakeholders Summit we’ve heard a lot about food and what millennials like and what triggers their choices. However, I liked a comment by Jason Clay, World Wildlife Fund, who said we’ve got 7 billion food experts in the world. So really, regardless of what generation you’re in we all have opinions about food.

An important element for me is who prepares the food. At the conference here in Arlington it’s Executive Chef Dave Creamer, seen here with our AAA leadership at lunch. I visited with him after lunch.

I asked him what kind of impact the millennials have had on his job. He says that he’s preparing a lot more targeted menus with more specialty foods. He keeps an eye on trending foods because people are expecting to get what they want and it’s not all just meat and potatoes anymore. He says you “have to have a story behind” the food you’re preparing.

Interview with Chef Dave Creamer

2014 AAA Stakeholders Summit Photo Album

Coverage is sponsored by Sensible Table

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Food