RFA Ethanol Podcast

The ZimmGlass Project

Chuck Zimmerman

Google Glass at ZimmCommLike a story out of the future, except that it is now, comes The ZimmGlass Project. At least that’s what I’m calling it for now. What is it? We’re going to find out together over a period of time in which I experiment with Google Glass! Glass is basically a computer you wear on your face but that’s just just the short description. With its functionalities it is much more and that’s what I’ll be experimenting with.

I am one of the newest members of the Glass Explorers Program. Like Bruce Rasa, I want to find ways that this gamer changer technology can be incorporated into agricultural applications that will improve efficiencies and help farmer and company bottom lines. I’m looking for companies that may want to work on a test project that would include using Glass as part of an existing application or to develop a new one. You can be sure I’ll find a way to incorporate the device into online agricultural and social media.

This will serve as the first in a series of posts on my use of Glass and I welcome feedback and ideas you may have.

If you’d like to see the unboxing photos you can find them here: ZimmGlass Project – The Unboxing Photos

Agribusiness, Technology