2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Gives Back to NAFB

Cindy Zimmerman

nafb13-patThe National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) is blessed with the support of many agricultural companies and organizations and BASF is one of the best.

Our wonderful friend Pat Morrow (aka Queen of Half the Universe) took their support of the organization to another level this year by being elected to the board as an Allied Industry Council representative. “I think it’s a great opportunity to give back to broadcasters because they have been so good to BASF over the past 7 or 8 years I’ve been with the ag industry,” said Pat.

BASF has been a long time sponsor of the NAFB Broadcast Center, which is one of the most important venues for the working broadcasters to get their programs produced during the convention. “We have been doing that for long before my time and it’s a tradition that we’re proud to continue,” Pat said, who adds that it is important for them to support the farm broadcasters because they help “set the agenda and create the dialogue” not only within the industry but outside the industry as well.

We are also grateful to Pat and BASF for being one of the sponsors of our coverage here at NAFB to bring the convention to those who couldn’t be here, and for those who could to get photos and interviews they might want to share.

Listen to my interview with Pat here: Interview with Pat Morrow, BASF

Checkout photos from NAFB Convention: 2013 NAFB Convention Photo Album