2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Enhancing Food Security at Bayer

Jamie Johansen

chuck-fps-hollinrakeProducing a safe and bountiful food supply is the forefront of what Bayer CropScience is all about. At the recent 2013 Farm Progress Show, they shared how they are doing what they can to help enhance food security globally.

After Bayer’s ag media luncheon, Chuck caught up with David Hollinrake, Vice President of Agricultural Commercial Operations Marketing at Bayer CropScience. They discussed in depth the challenges farmers face and what Bayer is specially doing to help them out with these crazy weather patterns we have been seeing. They also hit on some of the major crops in the US and what Bayer has coming down the pipeline.

“Farmers are faced with some challenges. They know that they have to produce more food on the same land they have today. They want to do it more efficiently and they want to do it in a way that helps them over come some of the challenges, like weed resistance, that they have. Our investment in R & D is really about helping them meet these challenges. I’m very proud in the fact that we haven’t changed our investment strategy over the years. We’ve remained focused on how do we help produce a more effective food supply such that they can be more successful in the future.”

Listen to Chuck’s complete interview with David here: Interview with David Hollinrake

2013 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Coverage of the 2013 Farm Progress show is sponsored by Bayer CropScience, Growmark and New Holland
Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Food