2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Markets New Wheat Herbicide

Kristyn Stidham

9612299838_5841056bce_b (250x166)Bayer CropScience released the new Huskie Complete this year. Cereal Herbicides Product Manager for Bayer, Thorsten Schwindt, was very excited to talk about the product here in Decatur, IL at the Farm Progress Show.

A few years back, Bayer released a product called Huskie. The product was successful, but Bayer decided to do some research to extend the product beyond just broad leaf weed control. Huskie Complete is essentially the same product as Huskie, plus one more mode of action for grass control in spring, winter, and durham wheat.

“We believe it’s the most complete herbicide solution and the fantastic thing about Huskie Complete is that it’s all in one product,” said Schwindt.

According to Schwindt, growers have responded positively. He hopes the new hassle free, all-in-one product will continue to benefit growers in the industry.

Listen to my interview with Thorsten here: Interview with Thorsten Schwindt

2013 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Coverage of the 2013 Farm Progress show is sponsored by Bayer CropScience, Growmark and New Holland
Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, weed management, Wheat