2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Corn Growers Provide Trade Negotiation Advice

Cindy Zimmerman

During a House Committee on Small Business hearing this week in Washington, National Corn Growers Association President Pam Johnson provided policy recommendations for the U.S. Trade Representative on growing export opportunities, particularly the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

pam-ttip“Agricultural producers succeed when industry and government work side-by-side,” NCGA President Pam Johnson said during her testimony. “It is critical that U.S. negotiators have an appreciation for how increasing exports translates into benefits for family farmers. The U.S. economy will not benefit from agriculture issues being placed on a ‘to do’ list. Now is the perfect time to eliminate long standing barriers to agricultural exports and promote policies that bring economic opportunity back to rural America.”

Johnson stressed the importance of dealing with trade barriers to genetically modified crops. “For NCGA members, the biggest challenge is the approval of corn and corn products that are derived through biotechnology,” she said. “Unjustified regulations are costing family farmers millions in lost sales to the EU and could result in even great losses of U.S. exports if they are adopted by other countries.”

The main point Johnson said the corn growers want to get across to USTR in these trade negotiations is – “nothing is agreed to until everything is agreed to.”

Listen to or download Pam’s testimony and answers to questions from lawmakers: NCGA president Pam Johnson Testimony

Audio, NCGA, Trade