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The Story Behind GLIMPSE

Maggie Seiler

alltech-symposium-13-4Dr. Mark Lyons explained the meaning of GLIMPSE, this year’s Alltech Symposium theme. The idea came from an article written by Aidan J. Connolly, Vice President of Corporate Accounts for Alltech, and Kate Phillips-Conolly that was published in the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. You can read the full version of the report here (PDF). The article pinpointed seven challenges that agribusiness faces.

They are:
G – Government
L – Losses in the food and ingredient supply chain
I – Infrastructure (trains, trucks, ports, cold storage, supermarkets ect.)
M – Markets
P – Politics and Policies
S – Science and Innovation
E – Environment

Listen to Alltech’s description of their theme from today’s press conference here: Meaning of Glimpse

2013 Alltech International Symposium Photo Album

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio