2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Techie Talkers

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriblogger was one of the “techie talkers” at the first ever NCBA Communications workshop, organized by Mike Deering and Mary Geiger of the NCBA Washington staff, prior to the kick off of the 2012 Cattle Industry Convention in Nashville Tuesday.

State cattle and beef organization staff involved in communications were invited to the workshop and about 40 from around the country attended. In addition to Chuck’s presentation on the latest tools of the trade for communicators, the tech talk segment of the workshop also featured Lauren Chase of the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA).

Lauren has been Multimedia Outreach Specialist for MSGA for less than a year and has already made a name for herself in the agricultural social media world. She graduated in 2010 from the University of Iowa with degrees in both journalism and anthropology and while she has no agriculture background, she has become a strong advocate for agriculture.

One of the social media moves she made for the MSGA last year was to take advantage of the fact that current NCBA president Bill Donald hails from Montana to make him into a YouTube spokesman for the beef industry. It helps that Bill is a colorful personality with a great sense of humor and that, combined with Lauren’s talent with a Flip camera and video editing software, created the YouTube video series “Bill on Beef” which airs weekly.

Here’s a sample of “Bill on Beef.”

Follow the Cattle Industry Convention on Twitter using the #CIC12 hashtag.

2012 Cattle Industry Convention Photo Album

Cattle Industry Conference, NCBA, Social Networking, Video