An Alltech Family Affair

Chuck Zimmerman

Alltech Symposium BuddiesAn Alltech Symposium is almost like a family event. A very big family. Here are a few of the members. (l-r) Damien O’Reilly, David Markey and Christina Lombard, Alltech. Damien is an Irish agricultural journalist and David is past president of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists. I’m pretty sure they’ll keep the conversation lively over the next several days. I ran into them this afternoon and invite both Damien and David to post some of the stories they told me about their visit so far. I think I can approve most of it. Just use the comment feature guys!

So, the Symposium is underway and it’s my 5th year here. It really does feel like home and I look forward to seeing people from various countries and learning more about what’s new with Alltech!

You will be able to follow a lot of the action on the Alltech Innovations Blog, including photos, interviews and there will be live streaming of certain sessions. I’ll try to keep you pointed that way when I can.

My photos are being included here: 2011 Alltech Symposium Photo Album
