2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Iowa Corn Growers Compete With Indy Car

Chuck Zimmerman

The Iowa Corn Growers got competitive with Indy today at the Iowa Speedway. In the photo Indy car driver Ryan Hunter-Reay competes on pedal tractors with Dick Gallagher, Iowa Corn Promotion Board Chairman. Waving the green flag to start is Shannon Textor, Iowa Corn Growers Market Development Director.

Today was a promotional event that included Indy Car drivers, Iowa corn growers and representatives from the University of Iowa and Iowa State University. It was all done to promote the upcoming Iowa Corn Indy 250 race and their Join The Team program. They paired up into teams and ran through a course of various events that included the pedal tractors, cornhole toss, corn shucking, remote controlled race cars and more. We held the event inside the garages because some rain moved through. Farmers in this area were actually happy to have some rain.

I spoke with Kevin Rempp, Iowa corn grower and currently Secretary/Treasurer for the Iowa Corn Promotion Board. He says that the promotion with the Iowa Speedway and Indy has been a great partnership. Iowa corn growers are also to be working with the universities involved and are doing so through their Iowa Corn Fed program and their new commitment to the Iowa Corn Cy-Hawk Series. Kevin says he got all his corn in the ground last week!

You can listen to my interview with Kevin here: Kevin Rempp Interview

By the way, Ryan beat Dick in the pedal tractor race just in case you were wondering. I’ll have more to come after getting back to ZimmComm New Media World Headquarters this evening.

You can find photos from today’s event here: Iowa Corn “Join The Team” Indy 250 Promotion Photo Album

Ag Groups, Corn, Ethanol, Indy Racing