RFA Ethanol Podcast

Dick Butkus Meets Novus International

Chuck Zimmerman

Chuck and Dick ButkusThe biggest crowd in the trade show at the International Poultry Expo/International Feed Expo today was at the Novus International booth. Having a former NFL player/coach and Hall of Fame member didn’t hurt. Dick Butkus was there signing autographs and talking with all the customers and attendees who came by. Thanks to James Hermann, E-Marketing Mgr. for Novus for taking my photo.

I was able to talk with Dick and he told me about a program he’s very committed to called, Play Clean. He started it with his son a few years ago. Here’s what the mission of Play Clean is.

Novus Team and Dick ButkusTo educate and encourage high school students to make the right choice of playing clean – that is, training hard, eating well and playing with attitude, instead of resorting to illegal and dangerous steroids and performance enhancing products.

He says attending a poultry show “is kind of unusual” although his parents raised chickens and he did too once upon a time. He pointed out that he’s learned how important it is to the health of chickens to be raised in cages unlike what some animal activist organizations would have you believe. Pictured is the whole Novus team here with Dick.

You can listen to my interview with Dick here: Interview With Dick Butkus

The man signed a lot of autographs as seen in this little video clip:

2011 International Poultry Expo/International Feed Expo Photo Album

AgWired IPE/IFE coverage sponsored by: Novus

Agribusiness, Audio, Novus International, Poultry Expo